Maven Quiz (Set 14)

Maven (Set 14)

1 / 10

Which goal is used to execute a project's main class in Maven?

2 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'modules' section in the POM?

3 / 10

Which command is used to generate a site documentation for a Maven project?

4 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'reporting' section in the POM?

5 / 10

Which plugin is used to generate a project's source code from annotations in Maven?

6 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'distributionManagement' section in the POM?

7 / 10

Which command is used to build a Maven project and all its modules?

8 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'reporting' section in the POM?

9 / 10

Which plugin is used to generate Java source code from XML schema (XSD) files in Maven?

10 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'install' phase in Maven?

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