Maven Quiz (Set 1)

Maven Quiz (Set 1)

1 / 10

What is the primary purpose of Apache Maven?

2 / 10

Which command can be used to remove compiled output and other build-related files?

3 / 10

What role does the Maven Central Repository serve?

4 / 10

Which scope is NOT a valid option for a Maven dependency?

5 / 10

What command is used to initiate a Maven build from the command line?

6 / 10

What is the main purpose of a Maven repository?

7 / 10

Which phase of the Maven build lifecycle is responsible for generating distributable archives like JAR or WAR?

8 / 10

What is an 'artifact' in the Maven context?

9 / 10

Which file is used to define project information, configuration, and dependencies in a Maven project?

10 / 10

In the context of Maven, what does 'POM' stand for?

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