Maven Quiz (Set 2)

Maven (Set 2)

1 / 10

Which tag specifies the Maven version to be used for building the project?

2 / 10

What does the 'groupId' in a Maven POM identify?

3 / 10

Which command is used to install a project's artifact in the local repository?

4 / 10

In Maven, what is a 'parent' POM?

5 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'dependencyManagement' section in a Maven POM?

6 / 10

How can you skip running tests during a Maven build?

7 / 10

Which XML tag is used to declare project dependencies in the POM file?

8 / 10

In Maven, where are project properties and settings defined?

9 / 10

In Maven, what does a 'snapshot' version signify?

10 / 10

Which of these is NOT a valid build lifecycle phase in Maven?

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