Perl Quiz (Set 3)

Perl (Set 3)

1 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'strict' pragma in Perl?

2 / 10

What is the default file extension for Perl scripts?

3 / 10

Which symbol is used to concatenate strings in Perl?

4 / 10

What does the Perl function 'chomp' do?

5 / 10

In Perl, what does the 'my' keyword indicate?

6 / 10

Which function is used to read input from the user in Perl?

7 / 10

What symbol is used for the modulo operator in Perl?

8 / 10

In Perl, how do you print a string?

9 / 10

Who is the creator of Perl?

10 / 10

What is Perl?

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