PHP Quiz (Set 10)

PHP (Set 10)

1 / 10

Which PHP function is used to shuffle the elements of an array?

2 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'compact()' function in PHP?

3 / 10

Which PHP function is used to remove duplicate values from an array?

4 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'explode()' function in PHP?

5 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'in_array()' function in PHP?

6 / 10

Which PHP function is used to sort an array in descending order?

7 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'array_chunk()' function in PHP?

8 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'array_key_exists()' function in PHP?

9 / 10

Which PHP function is used to sort an array in ascending order?

10 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'array_map()' function in PHP?

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