PHP Quiz (Set 6)

PHP (Set 6)

1 / 9

What is the purpose of the 'implode()' function when used with an associative array in PHP?

2 / 9

What is the purpose of the 'array_pop()' function in PHP?

3 / 9

What does the 'unset()' function do in PHP?

4 / 9

What is the purpose of the 'array_column()' function in PHP?

5 / 9

What is the purpose of the 'array_key_exists()' function in PHP?

6 / 9

What is the purpose of the 'trim()' function in PHP?

7 / 9

Which of the following is true about 'include()' and 'require()' in PHP?

8 / 9

What is the purpose of the 'is_numeric()' function in PHP?

9 / 9

What is the purpose of the 'array_shift()' function in PHP?

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