Selenium Quiz (Set 7) Selenium (Set 7) 1 / 10 Which method is used to perform a double-click action on an element using Selenium WebDriver? doubleClick() performDoubleClick() doubleClick(Actions) doubleClick(Actions).perform() 2 / 10 What is the purpose of using 'ExtentReports' with Selenium? To manage project dependencies To generate HTML reports with test execution details To handle browser cookies To define custom actions for mouse events 3 / 10 In Selenium, what does 'DRY' stand for in the context of test automation? Don't Repeat Yourself Duplicate, Remove, Yield Dynamic Regression Yields Defect Reporting and Yield 4 / 10 What is the purpose of the 'getWindowHandles' method in Selenium WebDriver? To open a new browser window To switch between different tabs in the same window To close the current browser window To retrieve the handles of all open browser windows 5 / 10 Which method is used to switch the focus of Selenium WebDriver to a different frame? switchToFrame() switchFrame() switchTo().frame() changeFrame() 6 / 10 What is the purpose of the 'getCssValue' method in Selenium WebDriver? To fetch the text content of a web element To get the title of the web page To verify if an element is selected To retrieve the value of a specific CSS property 7 / 10 Which exception is thrown when a timeout occurs while waiting for an element in Selenium WebDriver? TimeoutException ElementNotFoundException NoSuchElementException WebDriverException 8 / 10 What does the term 'Page Load Strategy' refer to in Selenium WebDriver? The time duration for implicit waits A strategy for handling pop-up windows A strategy for loading web pages The method used to locate web elements 9 / 10 Which method is used to retrieve the value of an input field in Selenium WebDriver? getValue() getAttribute('value') getText() getInputValue() 10 / 10 In Selenium WebDriver, what is the purpose of the 'submit' method? To submit a form element To navigate to a new URL To retrieve the title of the web page To refresh the current page Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz