Selenium Quiz (Set 7)

Selenium (Set 7)

1 / 10

Which method is used to perform a double-click action on an element using Selenium WebDriver?

2 / 10

What is the purpose of using 'ExtentReports' with Selenium?

3 / 10

In Selenium, what does 'DRY' stand for in the context of test automation?

4 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'getWindowHandles' method in Selenium WebDriver?

5 / 10

Which method is used to switch the focus of Selenium WebDriver to a different frame?

6 / 10

What is the purpose of the 'getCssValue' method in Selenium WebDriver?

7 / 10

Which exception is thrown when a timeout occurs while waiting for an element in Selenium WebDriver?

8 / 10

What does the term 'Page Load Strategy' refer to in Selenium WebDriver?

9 / 10

Which method is used to retrieve the value of an input field in Selenium WebDriver?

10 / 10

In Selenium WebDriver, what is the purpose of the 'submit' method?

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