Build A Basic Spring Boot Project Using Spring Initializr

In this article, we will build and run a Spring boot project from scratch and it will be a bare minimum possible project.

We will use IntelliJ as IDE here in this article. You can use any IDE of your choice. Steps won’t differ much.

We will use Spring Initializr to initialize our project. For that, first we will go to the below link:

Now fill up all the required fields, like: Group, Artifact, Name, Description of the project and packaging.

Take reference from the following image.

After entering the above details, we will click on Generate button. It will download & save the project on your local system.

spring initializr website opened with project data filled up

Now, we will open/import the project in any of the IDE (here it is Intellij).

After importing it will be visible like below:

intellij ide opened with the downloaded project

This is our basic spring boot project.

Let’s move ahead to run this project.

We will go to the follwoing path in the project: (refer to following image)
src -> main -> java -> com -> example -> learningdemo ->

After opening the Application File, we will click on the run icon and click on the first option Run ‘LearningdemoAp…main()’ This will run the main method of LearningdemoApplication class.

It is shown in the follwing snap:

Intellij ide opened expending the directory structure of project

Now, you will see the output of the project like below:

showing output of the program in logs

Hurray !! we have built and run our basic and simplest spring boot project.

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