OpenAI Project – Quiz Generator AI App Using Python, OpenAI API, Streamlit

In this video, you will learn to create project with OpenAI API, where I have built a Quiz Generator AI App from scratch (it is for beginners).

In this Quiz Application I have used basic Python, Streamlit and VS Code and finally integrated the app with OpenAI API. This project is perfectly suitable for beginners.

Pre-requisite 1: For this project VSCode (or any other IDE) must be installed beforehand.

Pre-requisite 2: Also, the Python must be installed, refer the following easy tutorial to install Python:

Reference Code:

In this project, we have created three files .env, requirements.txt and
So, here is the code for each of the file :

For any clarification regarding the code, refer the above video tutorial.


OPENAI_API_KEY=<your openai api key>



import streamlit as st
import json
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

load_dotenv() #Load all the environment variables from .env file

from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()

def fetch_questions(text_content, quiz_level):

      "mcqs" : [
            "mcq": "multiple choice question1",
            "options": {
                "a": "choice here1",
                "b": "choice here2",
                "c": "choice here3",
                "d": "choice here4",
            "correct": "correct choice option in the form of a, b, c or d",
            "mcq": "multiple choice question",
            "options": {
                "a": "choice here",
                "b": "choice here",
                "c": "choice here",
                "d": "choice here",
            "correct": "correct choice option in the form of a, b, c or d",
            "mcq": "multiple choice question",
            "options": {
                "a": "choice here",
                "b": "choice here",
                "c": "choice here",
                "d": "choice here",
            "correct": "correct choice option in the form of a, b, c or d",

    Text: {text_content}
    You are an expert in generating MCQ type quiz on the basis of provided content. 
    Given the above text, create a quiz of 3 multiple choice questions keeping difficulty level as {quiz_level}. 
    Make sure the questions are not repeated and check all the questions to be conforming the text as well.
    Make sure to format your response like RESPONSE_JSON below and use it as a guide.
    Ensure to make an array of 3 MCQs referring the following response json.
    Here is the RESPONSE_JSON: 



    formatted_template = PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(text_content=text_content, quiz_level=quiz_level, RESPONSE_JSON=RESPONSE_JSON)

    #Make API request
    response ="gpt-3.5-turbo",
              "role": "user",
              "content" : formatted_template

    # Extract response JSON
    extracted_response = response.choices[0].message.content


    return json.loads(extracted_response).get("mcqs", [])

def main():
    st.title("Quiz Generator App")

    # Text input for user to paste content
    text_content = st.text_area("Paste the text content here:")

    # Dropdown for selecting quiz level
    quiz_level = st.selectbox("Select quiz level:", ["Easy", "Medium", "Hard"])

    # Convert quiz level to lower casing
    quiz_level_lower = quiz_level.lower()

    # Initialize session_state
    session_state = st.session_state

    # Check if quiz_generated flag exists in session_state, if not initialize it
    if 'quiz_generated' not in session_state:
        session_state.quiz_generated = False

    # Track if Generate Quiz button is clicked
    if not session_state.quiz_generated:
        session_state.quiz_generated = st.button("Generate Quiz")

    if session_state.quiz_generated:
		# Define questions and options
        questions = fetch_questions(text_content=text_content, quiz_level=quiz_level_lower)

        # Display questions and radio buttons
        selected_options = []
        correct_answers = []
        for question in questions:
            options = list(question["options"].values())
            selected_option =["mcq"], options, index=None)

        # Submit button
        if st.button("Submit"):
            # Display selected options
            marks = 0
            st.header("Quiz Result:")
            for i, question in enumerate(questions):
                    selected_option = selected_options[i]
                    correct_option = correct_answers[i]
                    st.write(f"You selected: {selected_option}")
                    st.write(f"Correct answer: {correct_option}")
                    if selected_option == correct_option:
                        marks += 1
            st.subheader(f"You scored {marks} out of {len(questions)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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