Building the Project using Maven Commands

Table of Contents

Topic 1: Introduction to Building with Maven

Building a Maven project involves executing a series of build lifecycle phases. Each phase represents a specific step in the build process, such as compiling source code, running tests, and packaging artifacts. Maven commands allow you to trigger these phases.

4.1 Building the Project

The package phase is commonly used to build the project and create the desired output artifact. It compiles the source code, runs tests, and packages the compiled classes and resources into the specified format (e.g., JAR, WAR).

mvn package

4.2 Cleaning the Project

The clean phase removes build artifacts and generated files from previous builds. This is useful when you want to start the build process from a clean slate or when switching between different build profiles.

mvn clean

4.3 Skipping Tests during Build

During development, you might need to skip tests to speed up the build process. The -DskipTests flag can be used to skip running tests during the build. However, it’s recommended to run tests regularly to ensure code quality.

mvn package -DskipTests

4.4 Building Specific Modules

In multi-module projects, you can build specific modules using the -pl flag followed by the module’s directory or module name. This is useful to focus on specific parts of the project without building the entire project.

mvn package -pl module-name

4.5 Skipping Phases

If you need to skip certain build phases, you can use the -Dskip flag followed by the phases you want to skip. This can be helpful when you’re iterating on a specific phase and don’t need to execute the entire lifecycle.

mvn package -Dskip=tests

By mastering these Maven commands, you can efficiently build projects, manage build profiles, and streamline development processes.

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